Photographs are so important and precious to us? Simply because they capture a moment in time of deep importance. Be that a Graduation, Birthday, Wedding Day and so on. A date and time where we get to live forevermore, for all to reminisce of their shared experiences.
Retaining our identity
Many people will not show or display the results of these moments, if they feel the essence of who they where at the time was not captured. We have all looked at images of ourselves or others and it just doesn’t look like them. Of course we are all of those expressions and details captured, but we only choose to see the form of ourselves which is choregraphed in the mirror. Its all about identity, and our identity matters to us. Some feel it is vanity, but here at Digital Touch we disagree. We understand that you want to look your best, but when you are captured in instances of poor posture such as the sample image below (right) you are left with niggles.
Think about the stills captured on a live photo for example? Say there are twenty stills, you click edit and slide along, how many stills, in your mind are you? maybe two, three. But they are all you in some micro moment, but it’s not how you wanted to be captured and remembered in time.

example are from stock order images and not client images. Client images are strictly private.
What about the other guest?
It is not just the bride and groom who may want the best memory album, it could be anyone in the wedding party. More mature ladies may have greater confidence and able to focus more on inner beauty. Self acceptance, but societal and cultural influences can impact how they feel too.
Professional photographers are superbly skilled at directing you to carry yourself in such a way as to achieve a quality and sophisticated shot. But they are often not trained or able to do the more complex retouching work.
So what can be done?
If you are not happy with the finished wedding photos and if your photographer is unable to do the more complex editing. You can ask them to forward the album to us, or send them direct to Digital Touch yourself.